What are the hours of camp?

Camp Kelly is open Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 2:30 PM

Extended Care is not available.

Ages of campers?

We welcome campers ages 5-18!

What a day at Camp Kelly looks like?

Our schedule changes daily, but here is a tentative camp schedule: 

We have bathroom breaks worked in every hour but are not limited to once an hour.

9 am - 9:30 am - free choice arrival and play centers 

9:30 am - 10 am - camp opening (camp songs, rules, social skills, Inclusion, Diversity, Equality, and Access)

10 am - 11 am - Snack and outdoor time 

11 am - 12 pm - camp rotations (cooking, sensory time, arts and crafts, science experiments, fun & fitness) 

12 pm - 1 pm - Lunch and free choice 

1 pm - 2 pm - camp rotations - (cooking, sensory time, arts and crafts, science experiments, fun & fitness, themed activities, obstacle courses, dance parties, and water play once a week) 

2 pm - 2:30 pm - camp closing (camp songs, camper of the day, and reinforcers

What does my camper need to bring to camp?     *Please label everything with your camper’s name!*

Send your child daily with the following: 

On water play days:

*Please label everything with your camper’s name!*

What should my camper NOT bring to camp?

Please leave toys and electronics at home unless they are being used as a reinforcer or means of communication.

Electronic Devices?

Please leave electronic devices at home unless used for communication or as a reinforcer. 

Drop off and Pick up

755 N. Whitnall Hwy, Burbank, CA 91505 in the parking lot off of Screenland Dr. 

You will be notified before camp starts what group your camper will be in. Your camper will check in at a specific table with their group leader. Pick Up will be in the same location.

Drop Off: 8:45 am - 9:00 am

Pick Up: 2:30 pm

Snack and Lunch?

Snack is at 10 or 10:30 and Lunch is at Noon every day. Please send your child with their own snack &  lunch. 

We are a NUT-FREE camp so please avoid sending any food with nuts in it i.e. peanut butter, trail mix, granola bars…

Does my camper need to be toilet trained?

No, This is a skill that we work on at camp. 

We just ask families to provide their current toileting schedule and necessary toileting supplies. I.E. Diapers, wipes, change of clothing, etc…

Staff Qualifications

All Camp Kelly staff are hand-picked from local charter/public schools, non-public schools, or ABA agencies. 

Many of these staff have extensive experience working in special education as Classroom Aides, RBT, ABA therapists, LMFT, and Speech and Language assistants. 


In addition, all staff must complete mandatory behavior training to work at Camp Kelly.

1:1 Options

We have limited 1:1 staff available each summer. 

***NEW FOR 2025.  Please note. If your child has behavioral concerns they are required to have an outside agency 1:1 accompany them to camp. ***

 We accept any ABA providers, Respite workers, 1:1s from the camper’s school, nannies, or other individuals who might work with your child throughout the year.

*We require the agency to sign off that they have been Behavior trained, fingerprinted, and Cleared.*

Regional Center

We are currently vendored with Lanterman Regional Center & East Los Angeles Regional Center. Our Vendor number is HD0581.

If your child is a North Los Angeles Regional Center consumer you may request an Out of Service Area courteous vendorization. Please notify your coordinator that the request for Camp Kelly is for Social Skills Development. 

If your camper is a consumer of another Regional Center please contact us for more information.

What if my camper is sick?

If your camper is feeling sick or under the weather, you must refrain from bringing them to camp. Campers should have two fever-free days and/or two days of negative COVID testing to return to camp. 

Lost and Found?

We have a lost and found bin that will be outside at Pick Up each day.  *Please label everything with your camper’s name.*

How can I help?

There are lots of ways you can help!

Donate via PayPal - https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=PB6JGXQ97Y7EE

Donate items off of our Amazon Wishlist - https://a.co/1tq4Rc0

Follow us on Instagram - NewGrowthInc - Like and share our posts!

Attend our Fundraisers

Tell your friends!

*Camp Kelly is a 501c3 - all monetary donations will receive a donation receipt at the end of the year and are tax-deductible*

How do I Volunteer?

If you are interested in volunteering please fill out our form here - https://www.newgrowthla.org/camp-kelly/volunteer

Refund Policy

At Camp Kelly, we understand things change or that we might not be the right fit for your camper. 

If your child withdraws from camp, we will refund the unattended days. Refunds will be issued in early September following camp. 

No Refunds will be issued for camper absences.